I Am Taking Time to say “Merry Christmas” and Thinking of Others

December 21, 2008 at 7:09 am 1 comment

In all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I just wanted to take time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. But, I am also giving thoughts on those who are having a tough time this year.

I am also thinking of those who may not be so happy the year. The family who lost a daughter and husband a wife Thanksgiving weekend in Florida. I can not imagine how they will “celebrate” the holidays when they have suffered so much in the last few weeks. My heart and prayers to out to them as well as others who are facing similar tragedies.

I am thinking of those who are looking at a bare pantry. Especially when the economy is so bad and so many are losing their jobs. How are these families suppose to continue to make house notes, car payments, utilities, etc.? While McDonalds is always hiring, as they say, I am sorry but minimum wage will not support a family. I pray for these families as well.

I am thinking of those families who are still trying to recover from natural disasters that hit the last few years. It really makes me appreciate my home, my washing machine, my dishwasher, my television, and all the other extras I have.

I am thinking of my neighbor whose washer flooded about six weeks ago. She is a single mom with two small kids. They have put her up in a hotel; she is looking at probably at least another two months living in the hotel while her home is being repaired from the flood damage. While she is lucky that she does have some insurance, I feel for her on the extra money she has to pay for food and gas living in the hotel. Do her kids understand why Christmas will not be at home this year?

My heart is so sad when I think of the homeless out there in this cold weather. I just don’t understand why we give so much outside the United States and our own are homeless and hungry. I am all for helping other countries, but it is so important to not forget our citizens.

I am thinking of our soldiers in war. How they must miss being home for the holidays. I am so proud of my nephew and and all those who are fighting so we have the freedoms to celebrate the holidays as we choose.

So, in ending, I hope everyone is having a “Merry Christmas”. I pray for those who are not and hope 2009 will be filled with peace and love and better times for all.

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1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Brian  |  December 25, 2008 at 3:14 pm

    Merry Christmas to you and your family too! This was a very well written post. I enjoyed it.

    I just saw the picture of you and your beautiful family. Scouts are great people. They are class acts. I’m sure you are very proud of your kids.

    Best wishes,



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